Variable Speed Drives
What is an AC Drive?
An AC Drive or Variable Speed Drive (VSD) is a device that can control the speed of an electric motor. Most conventional motors only run at full speed whereas a VSD-equipped unit means it can run at a variable rate. This allows the motor to drive a pump or fan at a speed appropriate to the requirements of the process.
Why use an AC Drive?
Energy and motor speed are exponentially related and even a relatively small reduction in speed can result in a significant energy saving. Fitting an AC Drive to a motor is an attractive cost-saving project for many businesses, as it can provide quick results and a relatively short payback period.
How can Vacon help?
Motor driven systems are major energy users. A motor running at a typical commercial or industrial site for 4,000 hours a year has an annual electricity cost of about 10 times its capital cost. Motors consume an estimated two-thirds of electrical energy used by industry, so even modest efficiency gains can deliver substantial savings. By taking energy saving measures you could achieve savings of up to 20% across your site.
Key Fact: A 20% speed reduction can result in a power reduction of close to 50%